Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why did Montressor decide to kill Fortunato in his own basement instead of somewhere else?

The murder of Fortunato took place, not in Montressor's basement, but in the catacombs, family crypts, of Montressor's family.  This site was perfect for his crime for several reasons; the first of these is that it was his family crypt.  I don't know about you, but to be perfectly honest, I can't think of anyone who just decides to take a walk in their family crypt!  Therefore, it is not likely that anyone would stumble upon the murder scene; another benefit is that Montresor himself has access and can keep an eye on the scene whenever needed.  Finally, there is the point to be made that no one could hear Fortunato when he screams, which I suspect he did for as long as he had the strength.  These are the basic reasons that Montressor chose to kill his enemy in his family crypt.

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