Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What do the characters in "The Pearl" symbolize, and what is a lesson that is revealed in the action of the plot?These are the instructions. In an...

The characters in the short book "The Pearl" by Steinbeck  are the two who represent the innocent ones and the doctor who is the manipulator and the trackers who are the greedy ones who all envision something different in the pearl.

Kino sees the pearl as hope for a better future for his family.  His wife sees the pearl as something that could be evil.  The doctor sees the pearl as a thing too great for a meager Indian to own.  The trackers see their fortune in it.

The pearl that seems like such a good thing initially brings nothing but evil to the life of the couple and their infant. There are several lessons such as be careful what you wish for and greed is the root of evil.

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