Saturday, June 13, 2015

Explain Doublethink in "1984". Why is it essential to the success of the party? part 1

Doublethink is a way for you to think one way but believe another. It is protection for anyone in the Party who does not truly believe the policies.

For instance, when Winston is being tortured by O'Brien, O'Brien tells Winston that two plus two equal five. Winston oberves that O'Brien gives absolutely no indication that he believes any other thing than that 2+2 actually DOES equal 5. Even though Winston knows this is not true, he also eventually begins to think that 2+2 MIGHT equal 5.

It's like thinking one thing and saying something completely opposite to hide your true feelings...doublethink is incredibly wearisome and difficult to keep up for any period of time, especially in a society like Oceania where people are constantly looking for a reason to accuse someone else of thoughtcrime.

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