Tuesday, June 16, 2015

In A Modest Proposal, what problem does the speaker describe in the first two paragraphs?

The speaker in this satirical essay describes a number of problems in the first two paragraphs.  All of them are related to poverty and excess of population.  Here is what they are:

  • Too many female beggars, most of whom have at least a few children following them along.  He mentions that it is a problem that they are able to find work.

  • Their children grow up so poor that they either A) steal for a living, B) go fight as mercenaries for Spain or C) sell themselves as indentured servants in the Caribbean.

All of this is in the first paragraph.  In the second, he just says that if anyone could solve these problems, it would be a good thing -- so good that such a person should get their statue put up.

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