Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What are consonants?The question is asking for the consonant in the middle and in the end of words?

Our speech or spoken words are composed of two different types of sounds called consonants ans vowels. Vowels are sounds or letters representing these sounds that can be  made during human speech only by restricting free passage of breath by the tongue, teeth or lip. A vowel is a sound made with free passage of breath. In English language vowel sounds are represented by letters a, e, i, o and u, and sometimes w and y. A vowel may be a syllable in itself or may be joined with one or more consonants to produce a syllable. Also two vowels may be combined to form a single syllable called diphthong.

s.Consonants are further classified in four groups - stopped, open, spirant and aspirant.Stopped consonant sounds are made by complete stoppage of breath. They include b, d, g, k, p, and t. Open consonant sounds are made with partial stoppage of breathe, They are l, m, n, r, w, and y. Spirant are open consonants requiring friction in oral passage, They include f, j, s, v and z. The only aspirant or breathed consonant.

A syllable, which is a word or a part of word pronounced as a unit, cannot consist of only a consonant. A syllable containing a consonant or group of consonants must be either preceded or followed by a vowel.

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