Monday, September 21, 2015

What are the strengths and weaknesses of John in "Brave New World"?

In Brave New World, John is a Byronic Hero, a kind of tragic hero who is controlled by passion unto destruction.  He is a voracious reader and lover of Shakespearean and romantic ideals.  He behaves in extremes, passionately loving and hating, with little to not room for moderation or concession.  He loves nature and hates technology.  He loves Lenina and hates his mother.  He loves and hates the Utopia, and his inability to accept this paradox leads to his suicide.

Aspects of the Byronic Hero that pertain to John are as follow:

•notorious, condemned, defiant, brooding, melancholic, voracious

•unusually handsome, or inextricably attractive, often to both sexes

•unusually handsome, or inextricably attractive, often to both sexes

•wounded or physically, disabled in some way

•moody, mysterious, and/or gloomy

•passionate (both in terms of sexuality and deep emotions generally)

•remorse laden (for some unnamed sin, a hidden curse, or crime)

•unrepentant (despite remorse)

•persecuted by fate

•self-reliant (often rejecting people on both physical and emotional levels)

•is an admirable rebel (against convention, society, religious doctrine)

•has a distaste for society and social institutions

•is isolated (both physically and emotionally) from society (a wanderer, an exile)

•is not impressed by rank and privilege (though he may possess it)

•is larger-than-life in his ability--and his pride

•suffers gloriously from titanic passions

•tends to be self-destructive (suicidal)

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