Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Compare somatic and gametic mutations. What is the difference of that?not too long pls

In general somatic mutations, also known as acquired mutations, can occur in any cell of the body as long as it takes place after conception and is not destined to become a germ cell.  This is because the mutations are not possible in germ cells, which are also known as the sperm and the egg.  Thus the mutation is not inheritable.   Some examples of somatic mutations are:

  • When someone is exposed to too much sun and develops cancer

  • Smoking cigarettes and developing lung cancer.

  • Mesothelioma

Gametic mutations, on the other hand, are mutations that occur in germline cells (sperm and egg).  Due to this, the mutations are able to be passed on from one generation to another.  One of the most famous gametic mutations is hemophilia.

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