Sunday, October 31, 2010

What is the summary of chapter one of Fifth Business by Robertson Davies?


· Dunstan’s involvement with Mrs. Dempster began on December 27, 1908

· He was 10 years 7 months

· Percy comes from a rich family; father is a doctor

· Percy jealous because Dunstan’s sled was faster

· Made fun of Dunstan, said that his father was better than his

· He threw many snowballs at Dunstan, and hit Mrs. Dempster at the back of the head

· She fell to the ground and burst into tears

· Dunstan arrives home late and tells his story

· Description of Dunstan’s mother ß Pg6

· Birth of Paul Dempster; Morning of December 28, 1908 ßPg6


· In the present day talks about Packer and his article (titled “farewell to the cork”)

· Dunstan is a History professor


· Description of the village (Deptford) with population, religions, one lawyer, one backer, two doctors, dentist, veterinarian, canning factory, few shops, one only three story house

· Dunstan’s father is the owner of the Deptford Banner

· Description of Dunstan’s father and mother’s history

· Description of house and cleanliness ß Pg 12


· Paul’s birth description

· Description of Dunstan’s mother, miserable time for Dunstan

· Mrs. Dempster’s tragedy, Description of Paul ß Pg14

· Amasa baptizes Paul, theatre theme

· Prays to God to take away Mrs. Dempster’s soul

· Paul becomes healthy

· Dunstan is guilty so he goes and talks about the birth of Paul with Percy

· Mention of Dante inferno, Dunstan is 11

· Dunstan believes he is responsible for the birth of Paul

· Talk about who threw the snowball and if Dunstan knows who threw it


· Description of Mrs. Dempster, Description of Amasa Dempster

· Although Mrs. Dempster is healthy, she is sloppy and treats Paul like a doll ßPg21

· She is found many times naked at home, considered simple

· Paul is a healthy, Christian looking boy

· Dunstan has to do the chores at the Dempster's and watch over Paul

· Mrs. Dempster gives everything away (story about the vase)

· Description of Willie Ramsay


· Description of Percy ( nicknamed Pidgy boy-boy by his mother)

· Description of Dunstan

· Dunstan nicknamed Nursie

· Dunstan loves Leola Cruikshank and Mrs. Dempster ß Pg24

· Dunstan stick up for Mrs Dempster

· Description of Milo Papple and his father


· Dunstan is 13 years old

· Dunstan’s sloppiness in the Printing business

· Dunstan is a Librarian

· He reads Magic books, he wants to become a Magician (conjurer)

· Practices with an egg from his mother’s kitchen

· Lies to his mother and gets beatings ß Pg 24


· Started learning card tricks

· Showed Paul his tricks and taught Paul a lot

· Reads to Paul “ A child’s book of Saints”

· Started with coin tricks ßPg32

· Paul does the card tricks perfectly

· Description of Paul


· Description of Amasa Dempster, he loves Mrs. Dempster on principle

· Demspter shouts at Dunstan for teaching his son magic tricks and telling Paul about Saints

· Dunstan is Fifteen

· Dunstan ill wishes Dempster ßPg37

· Description of Mrs. Dempster and Mrs. Ramsay


· Description of Willie

· Mrs Dempster ( Mary Dempster) disappears

· Found in the gravel pit copulating with a tramp

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