Saturday, October 9, 2010

What games are being played in Chapter 5? (Hint-more than just the ones in the game room.)

As mentioned above, besides the games found in the game rooms, mind games are also played in this chapter. Various people play mind games on others in order to achieve a desired end. For instance, the mind game on Ender by the authorities still continues as he is moved to a new dormitory where he undergoes further isolation. In a discussion between Colonel Graff and an unnamed individual, it is evident that the plan is to ensure that Ender’s experiences foster independence and strength. Ender is so distraught that he cries in bed on the first night at his new dormitory. Ender also plays a mind game on Bernard and the rest of the boys. By devising a strategy that would strip Bernard of his popularity, Ender succeeded at making the rest warm up to him. He used a technology gimmick to embarrass Bernard for his bullying.

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