Sunday, October 31, 2010

In "The Cask of Amontillado," why does Montresor warn Fortunato about the air in the vaults?

The purpose that Montresor had in telling Fortunato about the air in the vaults was to give him a false sense of security as they went deeper. Montresor wanted Fortunato to believe that he had his "friend's" best interest at heart so that when he ensnared him in the trap and began to bury him alive he would be completely stunned by the act.

This also acts as a bit of foreshadowing toward the future event because we know from our narrator that revenge is being sought, there is no friendship attempting to be forged here.

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Discuss at least two characteristics of Romanticism in John Keat's poem "Ode toa Nightingale".

The poet in Ode To A Nightingale  is an escapist .He escapes through imagination .On his way the bower of the bliss wher the nightingale is ...