Sunday, January 4, 2015

What is the main resolution in "The Purloined Letter" by Edgar Allan Poe?

I would say that there are two resolutions to Poe's detective story. The first is that (in Poe's opinion) imagination and feeling are far more valuable characteristics to possess than are logic and mathematical skills.  Poe advances this resolution not only through Dupin's lengthy diatribe on poetry, but also through Dupin's (a self-described poet) being able to solve the case that the supposedly logical, well-trained police cannot solve.

Secondly, Poe suggests that humans often tend to overlook the obvious and instead rely on the newest science and technology (or method of thinking) when they could simply use common sense.  Readers can recognize this theory through the police's meticulous search of the apartment which results in nothing versus the perpetrator's hiding the stolen letter with other letters out in the open which Dupin, of course, discovers right away.

The story is an excellent example of the battle of thought that existed in Poe's day between the Romantic authors (Poe) and the Rationalists.

You might want to clarify your use of the phrase "main resolution." Typically, a resolution is the final part of a work in which loose ends are tied up and the plot structure is resolved.  However, "main resolution" appears to be more of an argument term referring to the primary statement in a person's case (argument).

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