Friday, October 14, 2011

In Act IV , scene iii what does Malcolm do to test Macduff to ensure Macduff's loyalty for him?Thank you!

Malcolm 'tests the waters' in order to ensure Macduff's unrestrained commitment and loyalty to saving the country from the clutches of a tyrant. For this, he makes no effort to hide his suspicions about him. He tells him, firs and foremost, that he cannot trust him at the onset as he had had several experiences with people who tried to lure him into Macbeth's traps by appearing to be loyal. He also asks him where his commitment to his family and loved ones was, as he was aware of the fact that Macduff had left his family and come to meet him in England. He then portrays himself as a man, who was so much in need of being sexually aroused that he could never be satisfied even with all the maids, wives, daughtes and old men that Scotland had to offer. He also tells him about his hunger for greed and power. He nforms him that he would create false problems bwteen his good and honest nobles, so as to take jewels from one and houses form another. All the trememdous riches of the country would not be able to satisfy him. He then talks about how he lacks all the qualities and virtues that are a prerequisite for a good king ie nobility, honesty, generosity, kindness, humbleness, tolerance, boldness and wisdom.

He does this in order to evaluate Macudff on the basis of his answer. Macduff, immediately withdraws and yells 'Scotland!' and feels pity for its ill-fate, as it was being ruled by a merciless tyrant and its rightful heir was a man who did not deserve to live.

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Discuss at least two characteristics of Romanticism in John Keat's poem "Ode toa Nightingale".

The poet in Ode To A Nightingale  is an escapist .He escapes through imagination .On his way the bower of the bliss wher the nightingale is ...