Monday, May 25, 2015

What internal feud within the Communist party is paralleled in the struggle for power between Napoleon and Snowball?

One aspect of their characters that is well documented in Animal Farm is Trotsky's (Snowball) intellect vs. Stalin's (Napoleon) vicious treatment of people.

If you took a look at Snowball, he crafted the original master  plan of the windmill for the benefit of the animals. He had the idea of seeing the animals improve their comforts and living situations.

Trotsky too, wanted that for the Russian people. He hoped to see Russians profit from their work. His function in the beginning was as a military leader, but really, his visions were for people.

Napoleon, not very gifted with speaking to the animals, had to use Squealer to often further articulate his purposes. Napoleon also just got rid of animals who didn't fulfill his purposes. He also killed animals just because. Stalin, likewise, was not a prolific speaker, but had a purpose of either using people or killing them.

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