Winston dreams about his last vision of his mother. He remembers how the spirit of life seemed to go out of her when his father disappeared when Winston was just a young boy. Life was difficult and food was scarce. When a chocolate ration is given to the family, Winston wants more than his share and finally snatches the portion Winston's mother gave to Winston's little sister. Winston ran from the apartment as his mother called for him to come back and give the chocolate to his sister. When he looked back, he saw his mother put her arm protectively and comfortingly around his sister. That was the last glimpse he had of either his mother or his sister who were both gone when he came back to the apartment. Winston remembers another dream he had of his mother where she was in a sinking ship looking up at Winston with the same look in her eyes as she had when Winston fled their home with his sister's chocolate. Winston has been filled with guilt ever since that day and the protective gesture, so seldom seen in Winston's current life, haunts him.
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