Friday, October 17, 2014

What are the most important themes of In the Time of the Butterflies, and what are some points that can support the themes?

There are many themes in the novel In the Time of Butterflies. Some of the more important ones include change and transformation, and courage. If you think about what those themes mean within the novel, you can gather some points that support the theme.

Alvarez focuses on the changes in the Mirabal sisters as they progress toward their revolutionary activities. This is the mean point of the theme of change and transformation. As one would expect of a book with the word butterfly in the title, transformations play a big role in the story. Alvarez shows that though change can be painful, it frequently allows individuals or even a nation to discover stronger, richer, and more courageous versions of themselves.

Finally, courage plays a big role in the themes of the novel, linking with the other two already noted above. Clearly, the Mirabal sisters are testaments to the power of courage. In Alvarez's rendering, the sisters also reveal fragility because they are not always courageous and self-assured. Their very fears make them all the more admirable. Trujillo and his men are shown as the counterpart, as the coward

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