Saturday, December 18, 2010

What news does Lady Capulet give to Juliet?

You will be more certain of getting the right answer if you give us more information -- such as what part of the play the question is about.

I am assuming that your question refers to what happens in Act I, Scene 3.  In that scene, Lady Capulet, who is Juliet's mother, comes to give her some news.  After some comical back and forth between Lady Capulet and Juliet's nurse, Lady Capulet is able to tell Juliet what she has come for.

The news she brings is about marriage.  She has come to tell Juliet that Paris wants to marry her.

She tells Juliet that Paris will be at the feast that night and Juliet can check him out.  Little does she know that Juliet will fall in love with someone else at the feast...

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